Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Fresh Vege's

I do my grocery shopping on a Sunday or Monday depending on our adventures with the kids on the weekened. I plan every meal including lunch for work so I know what I need and have ZERO excuses with food prep for our family.

My kids get involved, they packed away all of this fruit and vege with me, asking what is was used for this week and when we were going to eat it. I looked at this pic everyday this week it makes me smile. We are so lukcy in Australia to have such produce available to us.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

New Find

I always love when I purchase something new to use in the kitchen that I know has alot of benefits. I get so excited I want to share it with the world !!! I take pictures and show my children (who honestly don't really share my excitement). I tell my husband over and over endlessly who honestly I don't think used to care but now he does. Now it seems that he too is looking for new ideas or new products which is great.

We went up to Nelson Bay for the weekend, I didn't cheat too much on clean eating and on the way back we dropped into Olivers Real Food. This place was great I could have spent hours in there. Sadly we had eaten lunch so the only thing I purchased were some sweet potato chips, but Olivers was right next to McDonalds so honestly there is ZERO excuse for cheating when your on a North Coast drive. Check it out. There are 3 locations on the North Coast. Lets hope more pop up soon.


This is what I purchased, 100% gluten free certifed organic Sweet Potato Chips by Thomas Chipman. They are made in Australia. They were $5.90 and tasted great.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Lemons and why I use them everyday

When I do my grocery shopping without even writing it on my list I automatically go for the lemons and limes. I buy 7 lemons a week and I use at least 1 lemon every day.

 My daughter takes apple to school so I chop it up and coat in fresh lemon juice because she hates brown apple.

I take a lemon to work and slice it through the day and squeeze the juice into my glass and add boiling water. I sip on this until it is finished and I end up consuming about 4 glasses of lemon water a day.

I also use lemon on cooked lamb, cooked fish, on top of my Zucchini patties (recipe on my recipe page).

 I first learnt about lemon's when I started dieting and read the heath benefits that include being able to assit in regulating your metabolism because it is a natural digestive acid. It also contains Pectin Fibre which helps to reduce your hunger and cravings.

The main thing for me that I noticed when I introduced this though was the benefit and effect it had on my skin. My skin felt fresh, free of blemish's and clean. Lemons also aid in sore throats, rheumatism and arthritis, reducing fever and to strengthen your immunity.

I made the decision 6 months ago to drink lemon water every day and eveyday at work its now a routine that I have 1 lemon on my desk and I make sure every last drop of fresh juice is gone by the end of the day.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


I have weighed myself again and it is now confirmed that since April I have lost 6kg. Fantastic result if I do say so.

 I read through a few of my previous posts today and realised already how much I have learnt about clean eating. But honestly I don't actually have a weight goal now because this all seems to be happening without much effort. It doesn't feel like a "diet" it doesn't feel like I have changed anything. The eating feels natural and healthy and awesome. I am not starving myself of carbs, I am not eating only protein for 3 days and I am certainly not having to give up many things.

I have learnt how to adapt recipes for clean eating and I actually get a bit of a kick out of a creating new "clean eats" recipe's and sharing them where I can. I am enjoying this point in my life and cannot wait to pump out some muscle.

This pic was this morning on my return from the gym, I love turning around and looking down the road and taking on my day after a smashing session at the gym.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Shits about to get serious

So lately I have been thinking, and talking to hubby to about my goal. What is it? Can my goal really be just to get as toned and fit as possible? Can I upkeep such a thing once I have achieved it? Without getting burnt out?

I am still pondering this, wondering if there is a amatuer crossfit style competition, whether going back to the 4km races I used to do or maybe doing something like joining Karate is an idea. So while I do ponder I have decided to crank it up a little more.

Hubby purchased these for me and at first I felt like a dork even carrying them into the gym, now they are my everyday necessity that I take with me and cherish. Thanks hunny bunny. BRING ON THE BIG WEIGHTS and BIG SESSIONS.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Time for a break

Time for a break today. No alarm this morning, no gym session with Tim and no pics of food (although I can see my lunch and its tempting to instagram it) but I won't.

I hopped on the scales this morning, the thing I try to avoid most days and I have now lost 5kg. Which was an awesome surprise but confirming again that "Eat Clean" "Lift Heavy" "Train Hard" really works.

 I want to concentrate on my kids tonight, take my daughter to Karate and help her with her homework. I was guilty last night of being that mother that I dislike, the one that screams and shouts and hasn't got time for homework or sitting on the ground acting like a fool tickling my babies. So I promised myself this morning that tonight will be different.

 I took this pic at my dads this morning, in the rain and I have been looking at it all day to remind me that the simplest things created by mother nature are the most amazing.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Entertainment Book

If you don't have one of these


They are fantastic, loads and loads of savings


Below is the best voucher I found while searching the book on the weekend. 25% off Fruit and Veg and with the amount that we go through and the fact its not too far from our house will be awesome.

stupid stupid computer won't let me realign pic sorry people

Picture perfect

I took this pic of my little boy last week at the beach, just a fluke shot had no idea about the shadow and took it with my iphone. I just love it though, one of those pics I could stare at every day.

Rest your mind & your body

My hubby purchased this diary for me well over 3 years ago on a work trip away from Kikki K. At the time I was SOOO cranky, he had been away for 4 days and our daughter was quite young and he arrived back just short of mothers day and this is what I got....... AWESOME a fricken diary. I was so annoyed and upset I think I remember having an argument about it a few times.

So a few years have now past and this is the best thing I have that I carry everywhere. Its in my handbag everyday. I don't write in it everyday just days when I have done something I want to remember, that I am proud of myself for or proud of my children for and milestones we have in our life. The targets that I have set and way's I want to achieve them and goals for every day. In the past I have written some upsetting things about arguments I have had, about down days I have had and about awesome days I have had. I have stapled the first portion of it together never to be read again as I start my new clean eating adventure and as I have vowed for this to now be my life I refuse to read back in the past instead just to focus on the future.

The kitchen journal (behind the diary) was a present from my sister, it has recipes in it, spaces for my recipes and just little nice notes and suggestions through it. I used this to write my new "clean eating" recipes in now and on Sunday after my session with Amanda I drove home to a cafe near our house, sat with my diary and my recipe book and cleared my head, set new goals, created new recipes and finished my coffee then enjoyed my grocery shopping. No kids, no hubby just me and my list I think it took me 2 hours but it was soooo relaxing.

Remember to rest your mind and your body. Whatever your vice is to rest your mind be consistant and reap the relaxation reward.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

This week

My week is nearly over. This week I failed on 3 days to do my extra cardio. Honestly I just couldn't get out of bed. I still got to my normal gym routine with Tim 5 days at 5.30am and smashed it every time so pat on the back for me.

The 2 cardio extra mornings were: 

Interval on the treadmill first day - 5 min at 11pace 1 minute rest x 3

Interval on the treadmill rower - 500m run, 500m row x 3

I also managed to crash my car (very very minor)

Lose $30

Lose my entertainment book

Misplace my daughters library book

Arrive 1 hour late on 2 consecutive days for work AND grow a large pimple on my face

Below is the goal I set myself on Monday and however hard the day, I still completed this. Once the kids are in bed its wind down time for Hubby and I so I normally work this into my stretching time. It sounds like alot but doesn't take long and I found myself accountable. I nearly forgot last night, it was 10pm but my want to achieve this got me out of bed in my Jammies to do it and I did.

Goals are easy to set, but achieving them is a test of your determination
Don't let an excuse stop you

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Weekly groceries

I shop for my groceries every Sunday for the entire week and I  sometimes end up with excess Fruit and Veg beacuse I always make sure I buy extra.

These bags are FANTASTIC they keep the fruits and vege's crunchy, crispy and fresh without that saggy blah blah second day droop they get. You simply put the fruit or veg (I normally combine a few) into the bag and there you go. You can purchase them from Woolworths where all the cling wrap and alfoil is based.

Just don't put mushrooms in there is my only advice !!!!!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Its not all Laughs, Roses and Happiness

I had a few comments on my blog last night and some emails alot of you saying I was a "super mum" and that I am fantastic, I am extremely grateful for such comments and emails and I am very happy alot of people read that post last night for alot of reasons.

But I was driving to work this morning and thought its important to share a few points for the mothers that read my blog last night. I do not in anyway want you all to think that I am a "super mum" although I will take credit when credit is due and I give credit to EVERY mother because it is the best, most awesome, shittiest, crappiest, unrewarding and rewarding job in the world I have ever had to do. Here are my quick points (I just wanted to avoid a big long story)

  1. I have cried alot since my babies were born, somedays in a heap on the lounge room floor, sometimes on the phone to friends or my mum because I didn't know what was wrong with my baby, I couldn't hear them crying AGAIN all day, I had no strength to change 1 more nappy or I had to go to woolworths covered in vomit only to realise it was on my jeans aswell as my top.
  2. I have laughed a heap with both of my children sometimes at things that are highly inappropriate like when my son said fuck last night - yes I know its bad its the first time he has said it but goodness what a shock, or when my daughter just told me a joke on Sunday that she learnt from poppy, "knock knock", "who's there", Major", Major Who?" - "Made your bum sore". Again highly inappropriate but I have been laughing to myself since Sunday about it.
  3. I am proud as punch and float my own boat when my daugter (6) received her star student badge on assembly that she proudly wears every day, but I get cranky when she spills a drink or her dinner or doesn't listen the first, second or third time when I ask her to do something.
  4. I have been depressed, at times I have hated being a mother I have drank too much alcohol on MANY occasions, I have screamed at my kids, I have screamed at my husband ALOT (!!!) over the past 6 years and now I have come through the other side and can see the green in the tree's and the blue of the sky.
  5. I scream through the week, I run late for work, this morning I was 1 hour late for work because I forgot my son's school bag for daycare and because I am toilet training him I had to go and get it and drop it off.
  6. My daughter went to school without her library bag today because I couldn't find it but she said "mum its ok we have enough library books from our other library at home" she is so resilient when I feel so guilty as a busy mum its days like this I want to tickle her little feet and kiss her nose so even though I was 1 hour late for work I am leaving 2 hours early to pick her up from school as a surprise.
  7. I try and have one on one time with them both and be the best mum I can, some days I fail miserably other days I look at myself and I am thankful for who I have become, for the mother both good and bad that my children and husband let me be.
  8. My son has seen me cry and wipes away my tears with his hands, my daughter cuddles me and tells me its going to be ok.
  9. My parents are amazing and I have learnt from them how to be strong, how to be a task master, how to play, love and how to support unconditionally.
  10. I am no super mum, just trying to do my best for those that need me the most, I sit here at work in tears thinking of this emotional Journey I have been on but without this journey I wouldn't have experienced and learnt so many things.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Yes I have a Trainer sometimes 2 !

I am writing this in annoyance, which is not normally what I do but to me this was important to share.

This morning in general conversation a work colleague was saying they had no time to get to the gym or do exercise. The conversation continued and I shared the information of having a trainer. This work colleague then continued to rant on that if I am using a trainer its no wonder I am getting results because - and wait for it - I AM CHEATING - and wait for it - BEING SELFISH WHEN I HAVE KIDS...............

I was crushed to say the least.

Apparently having someone to motivate or push you to go further, with heavier weights, or better form or out of your comfort zone is cheating and being selfish. WOW fooled me. I thought it showed more motivation to be the best you can. Selfish ? I train before my kids wake up during the week and on Sunday with Amanda I take the kids with me.

I follow a totally "clean diet", sometimes using Paleo concepts although not 100%. I cook all meals myself - breakfast, lunch and dinner for my husband, my 2 children and myself and I work fulltime. I share my recipes with other people, create my own and cook for my personal trainer on the odd occasion (when I need a guinea pig). I google non-stop when I have a chance so that I can educate myself on correct eating habits, new idea's, new ways to prepare food and new ways I can inspire myself, MY CHILDREN and my husband everyday of my life.

I have lost a total now of 65kg in the past 4 years by losing 30kg in 2008 and then 35kg again in 2009/2010 and 2011 that I gained while pregnant with my last child and I am now happy to say I am fine tuning what I have learnt.

 I am in the process of losing a few more centimetres and not concentrating as much on weight and I am now building muscle. For those of you that know how hard it is as a woman to build muscle you will appreciate the effort. For the past month I wake up at 4.45am or 5am Monday-Friday, I come home at 6am while my children are still asleep and pack lunch's for the day while having coffee with hubby. We get our 2 kids ready (nearly 3 and 6 year old) for school. We leave for work at 7am and I work 8 hours, I pick them both up and then cook dinner, do the washing, do home work, read books and play games, create new recipes and set new goals for the week. I make time for my husband when the kids are both in bed and my day does not usually finish until 11pm only to set my alarm for 4.45am and do it all over again.

I play netball on Saturday's for fun with an awesome group of ladies that I dare say saved me somewhat this year from taking a wrong turn in alot of aspects in my life. I take my daughter with me and she loves to watch and play and I LOVE the fact I take her.

My trainer (or trainers because shock horror at the moment I have 2) is not in my bed, nor did they set my alarm, get me out of bed or do any of the above chores for me I DID THEM MYSELF. I am ALWAYS tired and sore and complain very little apart from to my husband who is AWESOME and is my rock. I try and make the right decisions and choices for me and my family and point them in the right direction. My daughter now chooses water NOT cordial, she chooses raw cashews NOT a LCM sugar bar and my son chooses Strawberries NOT biscuits. They are not forced to eat these, the choices are there both healthy and bad in our house as I believe in educating them what is right in large quantities and what is right in small. My daughter does Karate, Netball & Tennis again this is her choice, she loves being active and I love her being active.

The fact someone dare say I am cheating or being selfish, cheating would mean taking a tablet or a magic pill that would do it all for me without the effort because trust me its tiring, but its my choice and I love my life.

I tribute my current state in life to alot of people my extremly supportive husband 100% but want to shout out to Tim and Amanda. If it wasn't for Amanda's blog in January this year I would be an alcoholic by now with more weight on than off because it was her clean eating inspiration that got me up and going again. If it wasn't for Tim I wouldn't be hitting the goals I am with weights and cardio everyday, I improve my session EVERYDAY.  Please take the time to check these 2 awesome MOTIVATORS out below. Trust me its worth it.

 I train with Tim Monday - Friday EVERY DAY and I train with Amanda on Sunday's at Marourbra.


Thursday, 12 July 2012

New Challenge

This morning we did a new arm weight exercise at the gym, I was scared and nervous but when someone else believes in you, you just need to TRUST. I accomplised my workout this morning and felt great. New Skill learnt and no damage to my head, neck or ego in the process !!!!

This is my whiteboard at work, I decided instead of the boring information that it normally has that I will try and also use it for my thoughts and where I am at each day. Just another location where I can be honest and accountable for myself and my goal.


On target everyday with Clean Eating, missed the gym once although it doesn't feel like I did.

Extra gym work pre TDPT for 3 days Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.

Monday, 9 July 2012

The weekend

Our family is all about new experiences and being healthy. I had my first session with Amanda on Sunday http://www.facebook.com/AmandasDailyDoseofAwesome at Maroubra so when we had finished the kids were having so much fun we stayed all afternoon.

My daughter has a pair of Heely Skate shoes and she had such a great time exploring the skate ramp, I am so proud of her zooming around she loved it and is only 6. My son giving it a go on his bum, we will bring his skate board or scooter next week.

Lovely awesome afternoon with my babies on a Sunday - nothing better


Didn't train with Tim this morning, head ache was pounding so I wussed out. Definately should have gone but the past is the past. I have declared this stretch day, so every spare minute I get at work at my desk I will be stretching.

I am so lazy with stretching, well I don't actually stretch at all so time to start making time.

refocus, regroup - Clean Eating today and Stretch, Stretch, Stretch

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Surviving the weekend

So this weekend was my first weekend without wine or champagne in a very very long time. I have realised FINALLY that if I want to start seeing results then totally disobeying clean eating and healthy habits on a weekend is not going to get any results. I needed to come to the realisation that chips & alcohol should not be a staple diet from Friday to Sunday.

So clean eating most of this weekend and ZERO alcohol plus a session with Amanda - KILLED IT.

I had another session with Tim this morning and feel great, considering every other Monday I have felt rubbish until Wednesday I have realised today how having 2 glasses of wine has even made me feel total rubbish.

My goal now going forward is to make this my routine for each and every weekend.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

The story

OK - so I have decided to post some pics from the start of my training. I hate doing this but honestly its the only way I think I will remain accountable to myself and be honest with myself. If I put the pics out there its a motivation to get some better ones up. I now have a Progress Pics page that will be updated regularly with new pics, the first are the worst for more reason than one!!! Bad colour clothing, bad lighting and in a mad rush.

I started my actual weight loss journey October 2009 and by half way through 2011 I had lost a total of 35kg. I started with the dredded treadmill when my son was 6 weeks old and slowly changed and evolved from a local gym and boxercise (oh dear) to Hi-Reps outdoor fitness http://www.hireps.com.au/one-on-one-training.html . Finding Hi-Reps was a blessing, they taught me to train hard and I shed a further 10kg with Mark in 2011. I am noted on here with my success story from April 2011.

After going back to work 5 days this year in 2012, a change in work hours, a change in the kids and their needs and a change in our lifestyle it attending the sessions at particular times quite hard. Alot of reasons though not just timing, I think I was burnt out, I was tired and I needed to take some time for myself, I had started yelling at the kids, losing sight of alot of other things in life apart from losing my next 500grams and it started to effect everyone and everything around me.

 I took 4 months off stopped to cram my exericise and started to enjoy my kids, taught my daughter how to ride her bike without training wheels and some days just sit on the floor with them and play I had to re-discover what my motivation was. I decided I had lost all my weight and to try and lose anymore would in fact interfer with other things but what was I going to do next.

The weird thing was when I started to focus on other things I again started to get lazy with my eating habits and drift into the cycle of no exercise and gaining weight all over again. I knew after gaining 5kg I had to change so I have spent the good part of the last 3 months working on myself, my motivation and my education of "clean eating". I attribute my need to gain knowledge of clean eating to Amanda at  http://www.facebook.com/AmandasDailyDoseofAwesome  Since finding her blog I realised my eating wasn't as organised and controlled as what I thought it was so I have spent the last few months researching, educating myself and making right food choice not to lose any weight but to gain muscle and also feel healthy and energised.

SO - then I found TDPT http://www.tdoonanpt.com.au/  after joining Anytime Fitness (first motivation being their 24 hours opening times which meant ZERO excuses). Tim is fantastic, we do interesting traing inside and outside. I lift heavy weights but do interesting cardio and I finally find myself after close on 6 months of wondering what direction I am going in that I can see clearly through the tree's. I bounce out of bed for my training, I have met a heap of positive people, I am focused on "clean eating" for myself, hubby and my kids and I feel fantastic. Its not about losing weight now, counting all my calories or being Skinny Minny, its about building muscle and maintaining my weight, about feeling strong and being defined about feeling clean and healthy and energised. In the last month we haven't done the same workout once. I have even accomplished a 300 set workout which I never thought I would do that included 50 situps, 50 hanging leg raises, 50 chin ups, 50 burpies, 50 deadlift (45kg) and 50 shoulder press (7kg dumb bells).

 So I suppose at the moment that is where my story continues from. From here where I go is up to me. But if I succeed in teaching my children the importance of healty options in life, smiling and enjoying everything each day then my goal is complete.

The week

Got through the week - I felt like the hangover was never going to go away. Slowly as the week has gone on I feel back to myself. I have had a few cheeky meals though. I blame tiredness, laziness and alcohol from the weekend. (KFC being the main one, I had it on Monday YUCK) .

I think I had more days this week though either being lazy or doubting myself and doubting it was worth all my hard work but then when I would get out of bed and get to training I would remember that feeling of accomplishing a new exercise, a new weight or just feeling strong and remember that HELL YEAH its worth it.

The best part of my week by far was Thursday not only because it was my birthday but because we did a strength session. Its weird, after years of just cardio, and treadmill and running etc etc now all I want to do is strength training, smash some heavy weights and feel strong. Maybe its because I used to hate the gym and I felt intimidated. Now the best part of my training is the weights. Don't get me wrong I still do the other sessions because I know once I have done those sessions there is always a strength session coming.

The weekend brings the start of my "Month of Sunday's" with Amanda. I can't wait to pick her brain and steal some of her enthusasium.  http://www.facebook.com/AmandasDailyDoseofAwesome

Monday, 2 July 2012

Clean eating

Clean eating returned and I feel sooooo much better today. Back on track with my fresh lemon in hot water and 2 litres of water a day. 3 more sessions to go this week with TDPT and a session with Amanda on Sunday at Maroubrah.

Lunch today, mushroom and egg pie topped with Chia Seeds & salad with a splash of Balsamic and my keyboard in the background to prove I actually do work ALL day

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Guilt free weekend

Took a bit of encouragement but I succeeded, finishing the weekend Sunday night with a few slices of pizza that I actually didn't enjoy.

Back into training tomorrow - allowing myself one more night of rest to chill with my babies. Grocery list done for the week, clean eating come back I have missed you.