Wednesday, 8 August 2012

New exercise

As part of the August Fit Challenge we need to post a new exercise.

This is my favourite new exercise that Tim showed me a few weeks ago.

Its fantastic. It doesn't feel like much but trust me, lay down, lift up your arms and legs and don't let them touch the ground again, and rock back and forwards. The pain is amazing.

Give it a go and let me know how many reps you made on your first attempt. Its a painful yet addictive exercise.

Almond Milk

So after finally weaning out all processed foods from my diet 2 weeks ago I managed to remove the use of skim milk from my protein shakes and replaced it with water and Chia seeds. After completing this change, the very last change I wanted to make was removing skim milk from the one coffee I have at home of a morning.

To do this I wanted to swap and use Almond Milk. Alot of people are asking me why, well for some part of the reason I follow Paleo lifestyle of eating ALTHOUGH NOT 100% - I REPEAT NOT 100%. I love some of the concepts though and I feel fantastic with the combination eating plan I am on at the moment.

After some research before converting to Almond milk the most common repeated facts were that it is a natural source of the antioxidant vitamin E and is also low in fat, saturated fat and lactose and gluten free. Whilst I haven't been diagnosed with a gluten intolerance I now try to avoid ALL foods that are high in gluten or contain any gluten. I find my stomach does not react well and making the switch has felt beneficial for me.

Whilst the Almond Milk does not froth up as much as normal milk for a cappuccino, it makes a fantastic flat white with a tiny froth on top !!! DELICIOUS to be honset. The only downside is the cost. Skim milk for this container shown below is 1/4 of the price.

A new challenge

In August (As you might have seen on my progress page) a few of the instagram members are doing a August Fit Challenge.

 Its a list of 30 items and you do one item each day. PLUS on top of this you needed to set goals.

Zero alchol for August (already alcohol free since June 30th)
Clean eating on point - 1 cheat meal
6 workouts a week

I am not concentrating on the scales although I have weighed myself for the start of this just to compare at the end. I won't be weighing myseld during the month and i will only be concentrating on those 3 goals above. So far 1 week in and I feel great. I CAN DO THIS.

I have delcared this week with TDPT to be strength training. I LOVE STRENGTH TRAINING. I hit a PB Dead lift at the gym yesterday (video to come) of 90kg deadlift. It felt fantastic. I remember only a few weeks ago 1 x 80kg rep was terrible. Even though I am doing strength training with Tim I am also pushing my cardio before our session. I combine running intervals and rowing and intevals on the crosstrainer.