Thursday, 26 April 2012

The Issue, The Solution and The Future

The Issue
I have 2 babies aged 2 and 5 and a husband, I work 5 days a week. Last year I only worked 4 days, so one day I would workout in the day with my son. The kids were not so demanding and homework wasn't so full on. This year finds me working 5 days and the babies being more demanding with school work.  I used to train at night and take them with me. So I thought late night workouts were the way to go but found I would always make excuses. Then I had to work out why the excuses, then I realised, I love being at home at night to get the house organised, cook a nice healthy dinner, spend time playing with the kids and having downtime at night. Then I realised this wasn't a bad thing and I wanted to devote my nights to enjoying my time with the kids instead of rushing around to get it all done or sometimes none of it done to just to get to the gym, only to be stressed out the next morning because I didn't cook lunch, didn't fold the washing and didn't do homereaders with my daughter. Then I would get down on myself for not doing it.

The Solution
Early 5.00am workouts. Whats stopping me I started to ask myself, well sleep mainly and the cold air. The fact between my 2 kids that 1 normally wakes for one reason or another at night means I think I need more sleep but reality is I won't die without the sleep. Last year to lose my last 10kg I was getting up at 4.45am (All be it with a personal trainer) to get to my goal. Why am I being so lazy and not doing it for myself without the trainer - NO REASON - its just pure laziness. So 5am workouts it is.

Hubby and I don't have that much down time together and we used love to workout together. He works in the city and I haven't worked in the city since we got engaged in 2002. Its only now in 2012 that we are finally members of the same gym again. YAY. Another issue though no creche at the gym. So I have come up wtih a plan thankfully involving my parents who are going to mind the babies on a Sunday so hubbs and I can do a massive hardout session on a Sunday together to start the week. YAY thanks parents. We get time together to work on our goals together.

The Future

HOLDS NO EXCUSES. A organised house, a healthy us and great balance.

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