Thursday, 28 June 2012

Its my birthday

SO - its my birthday next week, and I have declared it DRINK, EAT and DONT FEEL GUILTY.

That started great, I didn't do a workout this morning because I got my hair done last night so I have felt "guilty" all day. I am already wondering what I should eat at the restaurant that won't be too bad and wondering if I should lock in a session Sunday afternoon because my lovely parents are taking us to Yum Cha for my birthday. I am also wishing my weekend would go fast so I can lock in some gym sessions for every day next week.

So as you can see the Drinking, Eating and NOT feeling guilty is really working. Its strange I seem to feel my most comfortable when my sessions are booked in and my fridge is packed for "clean eating".

I think it has actually become my natural thought process because I am seeing results. When I started my toning journey with TDPT I told myself that I would not get on the scales. Finally being happy with my size all I wanted was to start some serious muscle definition. I have started to feel strong, I can see the improvement in my workouts and finally this week POP out came some muscle definition on my arms. So this morning I did it, I jumped on the scales and I am 1kg down. Not that excited because I am not focusing on it, but excited because the theory seems to be working.

Eat clean, lift heavy.  Eat clean, lift heavy.

Monday starts a new mindset for me, hopefully more than 5 workouts a week and a month of Sunday's booked in with Amanda Weekes at Maroubrah, you can check out her page here on facebook. I will still be doing my trianing with Tim but this is a added extra for the month to shake it up a bit and pick her brain.


Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Special mention

Because it seems to always be about me

My amazing little girl achieved her second degree yellow belt this week. She worked so hard during her grading, trying to kick as high and hard as possible. After it she was SO proud of herself. Professing aswell that as Karate and Netball she now wants Gymnastics so Gymnastics it is.


This morning was the first morning I actually felt progress. We never do the same workout twice which is probably contributing to the reason I love waking up at pre 5am to find out what challenge is in store.

But today we did something that I had done before. Step up with 12.5kg dumb bells (12 reps) and 30 seconds of box jumps in between. We did this 4 times. I remember a little over 3 weeks ago I did the step ups with the same weights (only 8 reps) without the box jumps but I believe I had to stop every 2 or 3 because I was dying and my right leg was like a dead fish and hardly even supporting my weight.

This morning proud to say I smashed it and it felt awesome. These are the mornings that make me realise eating clean and training every day is worth it. BRING IT ON

 p.s I also dead lift 80kg yesterday YEAH ME DA BOSS BABY !!! (all be it twice but hey twice is twice and I am holding onto that achievement)

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Morning stretch with Eggs & Coffee

So Hubby was away most of the week for work, Wednesday morning at 5am, heater on, homemade coffee (fancy pattern!), 1 egg, 1 eggwhite, 2 handfuls of mushrooms, 1 tablespoon of Tamari - Ta Dah !! all in under 4 minutes. What a better way to stretch before work. (p.s babies asleep so nice and peaceful)

Sup with my Hoodie

Thanks to my 6 year old who actually snapped this yesterday afternoon while I was chatting to my dad, nice butt !! Hands in pockets, dad saying his usual "why don't you just stop and rest !!!! Love my hoodie though for TDPT, it keeps me accountable when I wear it at home aswell.

Turns out it was an excuse

I sms'd to cancel training, got a reply saying "are you sure" my reply NO. See I wasn't sure, I didn't REALLY want to cancel.

Sometimes as a mother I feel guilty that I am devoting my time to something for myself and yesterday was one of those times. I talked myself into thinking it was ok, but honestly I didn't want to miss out on training I wanted to get there and smash it out.

I still managed to make my beautiful daughter even more beautiful for her disco, I managed to pick up my little son, and still got to my daughter's disco to collect her, I met some other mums, talked to my daughter's friends, then got my babies some dinner on the way home and snuggled on the couch in front of the heater.

SUCCESS. Moral of the story - ZERO EXCUSES, I committed to myself 2 weeks ago that I would do at least 3 months of hard training with ZERO EXCUSES and yesterday I overcame one of those days. I still managed to wake up at 5.30am for this morning's session.  


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Its not an excuse ! (Is it)

OK - so I have realised today that I am not superwomen. Ruff has been away since Monday, and I have managed to complete the following:
  • Eat clean EVERY SINGLE DAY breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • 2 litres of water every single day
  • 1 load of washing every day (yes that counts!!!)
  • My daughter's homework (yes she did it herself but I still need to be a good positive mummy and sit with her, although my advice on math's is not encouraged!!)
  • 2 training sessions (one with the babies)
  • work 4 days (a fifth being Friday)
  • Create 2 new recipes
  • Made 2 new positive contacts
  •  laughed, laughed and laughed alot more
This week with my babies has been fantastic, however I have to be honest I cancelled this afternoon's session wtih TDPT. Now despite my last blog about "excuses" I don't believe this is an excuse its more a legitimate reason. See my daughter has her school disco, and my son needs to be picked up from day care all in about 1.5 hours. Now whilst I like to think I am totally fantastic and do at times float my own boat, I fear that this could have been one of those times where the boat sank!!!.

I don't want to be trying to cram in so many things that I forget how to sit down on the floor and play with my babies, to make sure my daughter's hair is perfect for her disco. To get my son in time before I need to pick her up so I can give him one on one time too. To be a great mum I have realised that somedays I need to say no to things and yes to everything else. If today means No to training then it means yes to being a awesome mum and I can live with that.  I have been through a stage when being a mum was a chore, somedays the most difficult thing I could fathom doing but I have come thru the clouds to realise their beautiful little faces and somedays I just can't get enough of them.

I will do a run in the middle here somewhere. But without rushing, screaming or cutting corners on other things that are important today.

Disco Dancing

Nothing better than disco dancing with my babies at home after a workout, we crank up our favourite song, as my 2 year old says "Passion in my pants and I know mumma" and we dance and laugh and laugh and dance.

Monday, 18 June 2012


Some ladies at work often come up to me and look at my food or ask when I have time to exercise. I see them go and buy some hot chips from the cafeteria which usually takes them 10 minutes to walk to. They come back and look at my lunch and say wow I wish I had time to do that I just don't have the time because I am working. I am sorry but its ZERO excuses in my book.

Sure there are reasons why you don't do things and these reasons can be unavoidable but then there are excuses which is what you do when you are scared to change or commit to something. My husband (Ruffy) is away at the moment for 4 days for work. I have 2 children as some of you already know (2.5 & 6 years old) and I work 5 days a week. I leave home at 7am and drop them both off in 2 separate locations and leave work at 3.30pm and pick them up in 2 separate locations. I didn't manage a workout on my first day of him away but I still managed to eat clean, cook a fresh dinner and make a kiss ass lunch, get Akahia's home work done and get the babies in bed on time.


This was today's lunch, simply add 2 tablespoons of brownrice to the left over chicken & sauteed mushrooms from dinner. Heat it, and place on top of the bowl of salad I had made last night and put in a container - salad greens, shallots & capsicum with a little balsamic and chia seeds. I am leaving work today at 3pm, taking my daughter to her Karate grading, picking up my son and driving home for a workout session with Tim. I will then cook a "clean" dinner and prepare my lunch, continue homework, do a load of washing, bath the babies and have them in bed all ready for tomorrow.

 My point of this post isn't to float my own boat, but today is the time I realised that I actually enjoy and love doing all of this, I LOVE my workouts, I LOVE clean eating, I LOVE preparing a great healthy meal for my family and I LOVE having the energy without excuses.


Clean eats Dinner

Chicken breast marinated in rosemary & garlic then steamed/poached, I kind of put it on low heat no oil until it warms up then put the lid on and drop the heat, it creates its own juice then I cover it in alfoil and turn off the heat until its cooked thru. Sautee mushrooms & red onions with chilli and garlic then place it all on top of salad greens. I made a dressing last night out of low fat greek yoghurt and fresh mint.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

300 set workout

I had a session with Tim Friday morning, he decides to spring on me that our afternoon session will be a "300 set workout" whats that I stupidly asked. Its a workout that includes 300 reps of exercises. As I am a little OCD when it comes to being mentally prepared I googled it all day and wondered all afternoon till 4pm whether I would finish it before midnight.

50 dead lifts (45kg)
50 pushups
50 hanging leg raises
50 sit ups
50 chin ups
50 shoulder press (7kg dumb bells)

BUT I DID IT in 18 minutes no less and felt fantastic. Sore sore and more sore but what an achievement.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

I love mornings

For some reason I love working out in the morning, I love the fresh air, I love arriving at the gym early early, I love coming home and standing outside for a few minutes. I look at the sun emerging, I look down the street and across the sky. We live on a small hill so normally you can see into the suburbs and all the lovely tree's. But this morning I couldn't see a thing, when I left at 5.15am it was foggy and when I got back it was clearing, just.

Its Thursday

So I committed to myself to train hard and eat clean.

This week we have SUCCESS. By tomorrow afternoon I would have clocked up 5 sessions with Tim  (Tim Doonan Personal Training).

Clean eating the entire week. There were chips in the cupboard and I didn't even have 1. Nor did I have one "bacon in a biscuit" when my 2.5 year old had a bowl for afternoon tea. After dinner I made myself a pudding with 1 scoop of Gaspari Protein Powder, I survived the week and feel fantastic.

This mornings 30 min workout 
500m row
50 Box jumps
50 pushups
500m row
10 Burpies
500m row
3 x sets 1 minute plank on the ball

Box jumps though - ouch

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Tim Doonan Personal Training

So - Tim Doonan Personal Training is the place to go and Tim is the coach. Positive, energetic and encouraging. After using Tim for a month to get back on track for 3 sessions a week the pocket was running out of cash. Tim then mentioned the great deal of unlimited 30 minute sessions for a month at $350. Thats awesome.

Booked in ready to go, first session this morning was awesome. Another 5.30am tomorrow morning. Before pics I promise tomorrow.

Tim Doonan Personal Training

Journey started 12th June.

Before pics

Before pics taken but not good enough !!! Try again tonight. Dinner last night, steak, tamari, garlic, dried chilli, shallots, capscium, spinach & rocket - clean eats Yum

Monday, 11 June 2012

Lunch today - first day of getting real Chicken breast with chilli, thyme & garlic, 2 tablespoons of brown rice, spinach, rocket - YUM

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Forgot my lemons

I forgot my lemon for my lemon tea today - sad

But 2 litres of water will be just as good for me

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Time to crank it

Ok 3 weeks since started, training has been fantastic. Diet has had a few hiccups here and there. Mainly emotional eating. But I am deciding not to focus as much on the weight as on the exercise. My eating is I think quite good apart from the occasional treat and I just want to get my eating right first again.

My daughter has finally learnt how to use her Heely's roller shoes. I booked her a lesson at Skate HQ in Manly and within 10 minutes the guy had taught her the basics. Now she fly's around. She is doing fantastic at Netball and helping me in the kitchen with the fresh herbs for dinner.