Monday, 18 June 2012


Some ladies at work often come up to me and look at my food or ask when I have time to exercise. I see them go and buy some hot chips from the cafeteria which usually takes them 10 minutes to walk to. They come back and look at my lunch and say wow I wish I had time to do that I just don't have the time because I am working. I am sorry but its ZERO excuses in my book.

Sure there are reasons why you don't do things and these reasons can be unavoidable but then there are excuses which is what you do when you are scared to change or commit to something. My husband (Ruffy) is away at the moment for 4 days for work. I have 2 children as some of you already know (2.5 & 6 years old) and I work 5 days a week. I leave home at 7am and drop them both off in 2 separate locations and leave work at 3.30pm and pick them up in 2 separate locations. I didn't manage a workout on my first day of him away but I still managed to eat clean, cook a fresh dinner and make a kiss ass lunch, get Akahia's home work done and get the babies in bed on time.


This was today's lunch, simply add 2 tablespoons of brownrice to the left over chicken & sauteed mushrooms from dinner. Heat it, and place on top of the bowl of salad I had made last night and put in a container - salad greens, shallots & capsicum with a little balsamic and chia seeds. I am leaving work today at 3pm, taking my daughter to her Karate grading, picking up my son and driving home for a workout session with Tim. I will then cook a "clean" dinner and prepare my lunch, continue homework, do a load of washing, bath the babies and have them in bed all ready for tomorrow.

 My point of this post isn't to float my own boat, but today is the time I realised that I actually enjoy and love doing all of this, I LOVE my workouts, I LOVE clean eating, I LOVE preparing a great healthy meal for my family and I LOVE having the energy without excuses.


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